Having to think about what to cook and plan healthy meals can be tiring and stressful! These meal plans will help you save time, reduce stress around meal planning, give you lots of healthy meal ideas, and improve your overall well-being with whole-food meals. Going to a nutritionist for a healthy meal plan could cost you $100 or more, so these meal plans are a steal!
These are a great compliment to any program, or a first step in improving your dietary habits if you’re not quite ready for one-on-one nutrition coaching. Every paid meal plan includes a weekly shopping list, meal prep tips and recipes. These are a great option if you’re trying to lose weight, improve gut health, clear up skin problems, or improve markers of health like cholesterol, blood sugar, or hyperlipidemia.
For more personalized nutrition coaching and dietary planning, be sure to check out my Nutrition Coaching Program . For more information, use my Contact form or email me directly at [email protected].
Please continue to check back here regularly as new meal plans will be added from time to time.
What’s Included:
Breakfast, lunch, snack and dinner suggestions
Nutrient-dense meals made with natural foods
Vitamin-rich, fiber-rich ingredients
Links to multiple recipes
Grocery shopping lists
“How to Meal Prep” for each week of food
Gluten and Dairy-Free Meal Plan - 4 Weeks
ON SALE! - $19.99 (reg. $34.99)
- 4 weeks of gluten-free breakfast, lunch, dinners and snacks*
- Includes a variety of meat, poultry, fish
- Natural, minimally processed foods to support gut health
- Includes grocery shopping lists and meal prep tips
- Portion size guide
**Does not include calorie content or exact portion sizes
Anti-Inflammatory Flexible Meal Plan
- Flexible meal plan with anti-inflammatory foods, spices and herbs
- Inspiration for healthy meals to make
- Choose a few ideas from each section and create a monthly rotation to simplify meal planning and prep.
Mediterranean Meal Plan - 4 Weeks
- 4 weeks of daily breakfast, lunch, dinner and snacks ideas*
- Variety of animal and plant-based protein options
- Grocery shopping lists with amounts to purchase
- Meal prepping tips
- Portion size guide
- PDF with all recipe cards
**Does not include calorie content or exact portion sizes
Better Health Meal Plan - 6 Weeks
On SALE! $29.99 (reg. $39.99)
- 6 weeks of daily breakfast, lunch, dinner and snacks suggestions*
- Variety of animal and plant-based protein options
- 1 week of gluten-free/dairy free meals
- Grocery shopping lists and meal prep tips
- Portion size guide
**Does not include calorie content or exact portion sizes
NEW! Vegetarian Meal Plan - 4 Weeks
On SALE! $17.99 (reg. $24.99)
- 4 weeks of vegetarian breakfast, lunch, dinners and snacks
- Includes dairy and eggs
- Meal plan may be adapted with animal proteins if desired
- Does not include calorie content or portion sizes
- Includes grocery shopping lists and meal prep tips