You probably have a gym membership, have an idea of how to stay in shape, and know what to eat. So why pay someone to help you workout and tell you what to eat?
Because KNOWING and DOING are two very different things.
The truth is, most people intuitively know what to eat to lose weight, but the taste and convenience of pizza, chips, and mochas feel like an essential part of life. You already know you shouldn’t consume them, but you do because they’re quickly available and tasty. When you ask what you should be eating, what you’re really asking is: “How much processed food can I eat and still lose weight?”
What you should be asking is, “How can I make healthy food a convenient part of my daily life?” Or even better: “How can I break my addiction to food?”
Similarly, you KNOW you should be at the gym 4-5 days a week, but sleeping in or watching TV after work is just so much more appealing. And once you do get to the gym, you may think you know what to do, but aren’t seeing results.
In both of the above cases, you’re not accountable to anyone. And you’re loosely pursuing goals, simply winging it based on how you feel, without a game plan.
That’s where a trainer comes in.
Once again, it doesn’t matter if you KNOW what to do. It matters what you DO.
Why You Need a Trainer
- Accountability – A trainer is someone that you make a scheduled appointment 1-3 times per week. You pay them for that time, and that will get you to the gym. I train several people who have a history of working out and are capable of reaching their goals on their own, but they can’t seem to get themselves in a routine of going to the gym. Meeting with me gets them there, even when they don’t want to go.
- Motivation – A trainer keeps you going and encourages you. You’re capable of more than you think. On your own, you’ll quit sooner and lift lighter. A trainer keeps you going and draws out the true strength in you. They see the changes in your body easier than you do sometimes, and will encourage you via text, email, or phone call throughout the week and when you meet when you’re discouraged or tired.
- Game Plan – You may have an idea of what you should do when it comes to weight and nutrition, but are you sure? If you’re just following the latest fad diet because it worked for your coworker, or doing exercises you saw your favorite fit Instagramer, then like most people, you may never reach your goal. Not every diet or trendy fusion “Cardio Kickboxing Spin Pilates class” works for everyone. A trainer can create a detailed, strategic plan to get you to your goals and targets your problem areas safely and efficiently.
- Correction & Safety – Whether it’s your first time in the gym or you’ve been working out for years, we’re all suseptible to performing exercises with bad form. You might be tired, don’t have a mirror to check your form, or have adapted to muscle imbalances over time. Even I still need an outside eye to help correct my form at times, or recommend new ways to try an exercise. Our bodies change, so we can always be learning and changing our workouts accordingly. A good trainer will correct your form and even decrease the amount of weight you’re lifting until you can perform an exercise properly. Look for trainers who are attentive to their clients’ form and correct it regularly.
Here are some final questions for you to think about whether you know as much as you think you do, or if you could use the help of a trainer to point you in the right direction and keep you going:
- Do you go in and do 30 minutes cardio first and then start hitting heavy weights? Did you know you shouldn’t be?
- Do you have a plan when you go to the gym? Or do you just use the same 4 machines you’re comfortable with over and over?
- Can you think of 4 back exercises right now that work different muscles so you can help reduce those hunched shoulders and neck pain from sitting at a desk all day?
- Do you know how many calories you should be eating? What about protein, carbs and fat?
- Did you know you could be significantly hurting your progress if you aren’t eating a fast-digesting protein and carb within 30 minutes of weight lifting?
- Do you know what your basal metabolic rate is, or how many calories you should be eating?
- Are you eating too little food to be able to gain muscle?
- Has your body looked the same for years even though you’re consistently working out?
If you said no to any of these, you might want to consider getting a trainer. And not just for 1-2 sessions. I recommend 6 or more to have time for a trainer to learn your body’s strength and weaknesses, see how your body responds to various foods and calories, and experience multiple types of workouts so you can learn and feel equipped to reach your goals even after you stop working with them.
Ready to train? Contact me! I love help people reaching their goals and renewing their strength!