push up challenge

“We should do a push-up, pull-up challenge every day this month,” my husband suggested, feeling in need of a boost after Christmas break.

“Uh, ok,” I agreed nonchalantly. I didn’t know all the details he had cooked up, but I’m always up for a good challenge to get stronger. After he suggested I do 50 push-ups per day and my eyeballs grew wide, we discussed it more and came up with a realistic plan. We also decided to add in planks for core strength.

Now, I invite YOU into our January 30-day fitness challenge! You want to get stronger and push yourself from the start of the year? Show 2022 what your made of? Then join us for this push-up, pull-up, plank challenge – what I’m calling the Triple P Challenge. The nice part of this challenge is that it’s truly doable and realistic. At the end of this month, or however long you choose to do the challenge, it is guaranteed you will come out both physically and mentally stronger.

What is the Triple P Challenge?

The goal of the Triple P Challenge (push-ups, pull-ups and planks) is to double the amount of each exercise you are currently able to do without stopping. For example, I can currently complete 15 push-ups at one time. So my goal is 30 per day. I can do about 4 pull-ups at a time, so 8 is my daily goal. And I can do a 2 minute plank, so my goal is 4 minutes (Lord, help me).

How to Do the Triple P 30-Day Fitness Challenge

Day 1: Start with a baseline test of all three exercises.

  1. Do as many push-ups as you can do in one attempt without stopping. Then write that number down.
  2. Do as many pull-ups as you can in one attempt without stopping. Then write that number down.
  3. Do a plank hold for as long as you can in one attempt without stopping. Write that number down.

Now you have your baseline.

Next, write down the double of your baseline number to get your goal. For instance, if you wrote down 10 push-ups, then write down 20 next to it. This is your daily goal.

Day 2 – 30 : Complete your goal reps.

Here are the rules:

  1. You don’t have to complete all your reps in one shot (because that’s the goal), but you do have to complete them in one sitting. Meaning, you don’t get to perform 5 reps in the morning, 3 a few hours later and the remainder at night. Once you start, you have to finish before you end the workout. Do all 3 P’s in the same workout session.
  2. You can take breaks. If your goal is 10 but after 4 you can’t complete another rep, then rest 10-30 seconds and start again. Repeat until complete, but try to keep your rest periods short.
  3. Once you reach your goal (such as doing 30 push-ups without stopping), then increase your goal by 100% of your baseline. In this case, your new goal would be 45 per day.
30-day fitness challenge

What if I can’t even do one pull-up/push-up/plank?

No problem! Then your first goal will be to complete one with proper form.

There are some modifications you can make to build up to completing one.

  • Push-ups: Start on your knees and complete as many as you can in a row each day until you’re able to try doing it on your toes. If you can’t do one on your knees, then start with a wall push-up. If you want to build strength faster, then do 3 sets each day.
  • Pull-ups: Try using a heavy resistance band to assist you until you can do one. If this is still too hard, then try inverted rows with rings, a TRX suspension system, or a bar on a squat rack. Watch this video to see how to use a resistance band or TRX system. If you can perform the inverted version, then simply do as many as you can in one shot each day until you build enough strength to do one standard pull-up. Do 2-3 sets per day.
  • Plank: Do the plank on your knees and hold as long as you can until you can do one on your toes for at least 15 seconds. Complete 2-3 sets per day.

What if I don’t have a place to do pull-ups?

Two simple options you can use if you don’t have a pull-up rack or bar at home.

One, go to a local park and use any part of the jungle gym or equipment there. You can complete your planks and push-ups on the grass or take a thick yoga mat with you. .

Two, purchase a simple doorway pull-up bar (I like this multi-grip doorway pull-up bar). These are fairly simple to install above any doorway and won’t take up much room or cash. Use code HOLLY10 for an extra discount!

If you can’t do pull-ups yet, then use these heavy duty power resistance bands to assist you. These can be tied or looped around a pull-up bar or any sturdy bar (such as at the park). If you don’t want a whole set, then I would order 2-3 different sizes to try. Green, red, or blue should sufficiently help most people. Having a few sizes will also allow you to reduce the resistance as you get stronger.

What About Legs?

As you probably noticed, this challenge is all upper-body focused. This is ideal for us because as triathlon competitors, we spend a LOT of time working out our legs on the bike, runs, and weekly strength training workouts. But if you want to target your legs as well, then we suggest wall squats. Time how long you can hold a wall squat, then double it for your challenge!

How Long Does the Fitness Challenge Last?

I say 30 days. My husband says it doesn’t end, you just keep increasing. So, it’s your choice!

I will be doing it until the end of January, but if you’re starting late, just go 30 days from your start.

What if I Miss a Day?

Make it a priority NOT to miss a day – that’s the whole point! To build the discipline and will-power to make it happen even when you’re tired or don’t want to. But, if you miss a day, then pick right back up the next day and keep going. Don’t let one “failure” ruin your progress!

What do I get if I finish the 30-day Fitness Challenge?

Stronger muscles, a stronger mind, and a sense of accomplishment! This is a casual challenge right now, so there are no external rewards, but if I hear from enough people participating who love it and want to make it into a competition, then maybe I’ll come up with an official challenge and prize next time 🙂

If you want to follow my progress and get some reminders, be sure to follow me on Instagram @renewalfitcoach

Have fun!

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